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Team App Wireframes

Team App Wireframes

There are three stages of a good design, including project brief, mood boarding, and wireframing. 


Team App Project Brief

Before to start designing wireframes, we should answer these questions:

What are we building?

 A website for a team collaboration platform

What is the intent?

  • Encourage individuals to register for early access.
  • Demonstrate the advantages of using platforms.
  • A location for additional information, assistance, and contacts.

Who are the intended participants?

Remote teams, startups, and companies.

What is the desired look & feel of the site?


Any Specific functionality?

  1. Blog
  2. Form Submissions
  3. Newsletter subscription

Team App Wireframe Specifications

The platform I used is Figma.

Desktop Frames

Landing Page: 1440 x 4180 pixels.
Post Page: 1440 x 3589 pixels.
Blog Post: 1440 x 2498 pixels.

Grid Styles

12 Columns, 140 px Margin, and 30 px Gutter.

Team App Landing Page Wireframe

TeamApp Landing Page Wireframe

Team App Post Page Wireframe

TeamApp Post Page Wireframe

Team App Blog Page Wireframe

Team App Blog Page Wireframe

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