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Build Chat App website with Webflow


Luckily with Webflow, we can use the power of responsive design, and serve our users different layouts and very specific responsive layouts for their specific fonts and specific devices that they are looking at.

Breakpoints, or Media queries, for displaying our design including:

  1. Desktop View
  2. Tablet View
  3. Mobile Landscape View
  4. Mobile Portrait View

Chat App Website Video

Build Chat App website with Webflow
Play Video about Build Chat App website with Webflow

Chat App Website Desktop Full View

Chat App website with Webflow Full Size

Chat App website tablet & mobile view In 2 slides:

Download project's codes for your own

If you want use HTML CSS codes for desktop view mode, download it from the below link on GitHub:

Chat App Home Page Design on GitHub>>


One Comment

  • Access Control says:

    It was so awesome of you.

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